The Office (US): That’s What I Saw

I wish it would have been a little more long. (that’s what she said)

Ahmad Butt
4 min readOct 17, 2022

So here is a quick overview of all the lessons I’ve learned from a few characters from The Office (U.S.). 😉

Michael Scott:

There might be a number of traits of Michael Scotts, with good reasons for real-life managers to hate him. But there are also some things to learn from Michael.

Be a funager: Dunder Mifflin, Scranton Branch, has the highest sales compared to the other branches. Do you think only strict managerial behavior results in higher, sky-rocketing outputs? Nope. Well, at least Michael proved it wrong.

Secondly, don’t see your employees only as your subordinates. Call them your family. Consider them everything you have if they are worth it. Michael brought Dwight back, stopped Stanley from leaving, and felt betrayed when Jim changed the Dunder Mifflin branch, etc. Michael saw all of them as his friends and family, with whom he spent a part of his life.

Toby Flenderson:

How can I forget Toby when I have just mentioned Michael above?

Toby was the only person Michael always hated. So, the two should be side by side in this review.

However, Toby’s character is the kind of character for me you might resemble when you’re on the edge of despair. He had a failed marriage, and no friends or social circles. Though he was an avid reader, he wanted to write a novel, so he wrote. At least, despite how sad, hopeless, and despair he was, he did a thing his heart wanted to do. He, at least, did not keep it on wait.

Dwight Schrute:

Bigger lesson: Never hesitate to start a side hustle.

You would see Dwight hoarding dolls on the eve of Christmas for profit, renting on his farms for parties and other social gatherings. Dwight knew the economy demanded more than one stream of income.

Jim Halpert:

Jim’s character brings three lessons: keep trying, put everything you have into winning the trust of your loved one, and it is never too late.

Jim had been in love with Pam for years, but it took years for Jim to win her. His consistency demonstrates that if you’re determined for a decision, stay glued to it. Especially if you’re in love with someone, give everything you can because love is not a commodity to barter, where you give them your emotions and expect, in return, their emotions as an exchange.

And that leads to the second trait: Jim put a glamouring opportunity of his new startup at stake with the realization that everything he assumed he was doing for his family actually had the chance to impact his family negatively. Therefore, it was his actions that he placed the peace and happiness of the family above everything. But it also made Pam realize that Jim was compromising his dream just for her. So, she accommodated herself to support Jim in chasing his dream. This act from Pam was not in favor of what Jim did for her. It was just a pure act of love when Pam realized that Jim had put everything for the family. It was their family that mattered to him. So, he won her trust.

Pam & Jim

Lastly, after a year of Jim giving up his work for the startup, Pam insisted that Jim be a part of the startup again with his friends. Jim did not think that now it was too late. Or he would have to switch entirely from this easy job to a startup that might be more tiresome to join in the middle now. He decided, without any ifs and buts, to make the change.

Darryl Philbin:

Darryl was a side character. Compared to the rest of The Office (U.S.) characters, he initially showed up in the show few and far because his character was a warehouse guy. But Darryl was the kind of character who always looked for opportunities or was ready to go out of his comfort zone.

He was promoted to the Marketing Director of the Dunder Mifflin. It was huge for a guy from a warehouse team, loading, unloading, and shipping. But he didn’t stop himself there. He joined Jim’s new startup and became the V.P. there.

That’s all for today. See you in the next part. If you’re also in The Office fanbase, leave comments below about any other lessons you learned from the characters or from other characters from The Office which are not mentioned here. 😁🤞



Ahmad Butt

I write on various topics, from my personal ideas to motivation to productivity to books and films. Primarily, I love to put my thoughts in words.