I once heard that every single step towards your goal helps you to take you more close to your goal. I practised the same. I identified my two smart goals. I smartly scheduled each and everything that how I will work and evaluate myself to achieve my goal within the next 6 months.
I decided that I will start from small steps and I believe these small steps, together, will be proved a big step to achieve my goal.
One of my goals was to improve my writing style and grammar. For this, I designed a syllabus that I will use to improve this area of weakness. For instance, to improve my vocabulary for writing, I decided to read two articles daily. I am supposed to note down new words to add in my dictionary and later I will use these words by practising writing. Note down new words and using them in sentences are two activities. So, read an article and note down a few words which were new for me.
I also added the grammatical status of every word for better understanding when I use them.
This is a mini step towards my goal, but I believe that such steps will be continued and will make a bigger difference!